UPDATE:WOMEN presents 3 Keys™:

A Breakthrough Empowerment Platform for Post-Pandemic Success for Entrepreneurial women


Empowerment to Elevate Entrepreneurial Women

For the past decade, women entrepreneurs have often said they felt as if they “work in a vacuum.” The 3 Keys Project is a unique, interactive digital connectivity initiative that strives to open a 360° pathway to connect women entrepreneurs globally by providing a platform to share, and learn from, their success stories in a breakthrough environment. 3 Keys will empower each woman to share the 3 Keys to her success in her own voice via proprietary AI technology that integrates insight with art. Also, for the first time, proprietary algorithms will be developed (via partnership with Fusemachines) to predict key conditions for happiness and definitions of “success,”as defined by this community.

How does it work? 

The Project involves self-video submissions where each woman records her “3 Keys to Success” (based on her own personal definition) that are then curated informationally via Artificial Intelligence. The line between research and art will become blurred as the body of video output is then deconstructed and presented artistically by world-class women artists and partner institutions, creating a significant digital installation with the women themselves as both storytellers and inspirational wellspring. An innovative breed of connectability and inspiration that is concurrently technological and artistic; emotional and practical, will be created.


Powered by AI, democratized by voice

Leveraging AI capabilities, The 3 Keys Project will allow multi-thousands—even millions— of women entrepreneurs in all sectors, economies and geographies to connect, share, and find commonalities as well as gain real tools for optimizing success and fulfillment of a definition that goes beyond the “corporate corner office/glass ceiling” mentality. The mission is to democratize information, and the 3 Keys Project is an example, giving each woman entrepreneur an equal stake in empowering the belief system of entrepreneurialism and defined by women today.

Virtual Micro-Mentoring Component

Making an (indexed) video archive available to women entrepreneurs globally via a “3 Keys™ Insight Grants” program which would be sponsored by regional financial, cultural and philanthropic institutions.

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